

It has really been a great week for me, I have been busy with my crocheting. I learned a new stitch (new to me that is) the Afghan stitch. I am in love with this stitch and can't wait to buy some Afghan needles. It works great with the slippers I am making for my granddaughters.

It's funny there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I want to do, somehow I thought that when I wasn't working I would have more time.

I guess it's like when you buy a giant purse thinking you will never use that much space and then after a few weeks find you need a bigger purse. I threw away all my large purses and refuse to ever buy another for that reason. But unlike my purse issue the clutter in my life is things I enjoy and throwing any away would be hard. So, I guess that I will just be grateful that my life is so full and enjoy all the wonderful blessings God places in my life.



I am just having a giggle night! I have not had one in a while, so I guess I'm making up for all the ones that were missed.
My daughter (Sam) called me to set up the time we are leaving for our shopping trip tomorrow. After I was finally able to quit giggling over my former vision.
Then I had another one of how my poor son-in-laws face most likely looked when she told him that if she had two more girls with this set of twins, she wanted to try once more for a son. That mental image sent me into another spasm of giggles. Sam was not amused!
Then my daughter happily informed me that Wal Mart was having a Dora the Explorer birthday party with cupcakes tomorrow. So far I'm okay, so I told her I could shop for my youngest granddaughters (she turns 3 Sunday)birthday present. My daughter pouted over the phone about me leaving her alone, I did try to reassure her that they usually have these in an area where she can sit down. Which was okay until she read the flier, which sent me off again to giggle land. Some brilliant strategist at Wal Mart, who could not possibly have or know any small children, decided to have the party with cupcakes, IN THE TOY DEPARTMENT! I've got to take pictures this is going to be hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope no one was watching me as I sat laughing so hard I cried in my Prissy's play area tonight.
I started out well, anticipating my day tomorrow with my daughter, and 3 beautiful granddaughters.
We are having a girls day out, to buy some school clothes and have lunch out.
Which led me to wondering if my daughter would be okay, she is getting large/without gaining weight this is her at 18 weeks.
All the sudden I got this mental image of what grocery shopping is going to look like next year. In my image Sam is pushing a shopping cart filled with kids, one set of twins hanging upside down over the edge of the cart, Gabby and the new twins jumping up and down, having a great time.
Just behind this rolling day care, is poor Chris looking, stressed and bewildered pushing a cart for their purchases.I guess you had to be there, I was laughing so hard I was crying. I can't wait to share that picture with you. I'm sure I'll get to take it next year.


2 am

I don't have much patience for people who live in the past. Who live in regrets for lost loves and better times. So I find it strange that I am dreaming of a man long gone.

It's not even that I have regrets, I don't, it's just sweet memories. Maybe my dreams are telling me it's time to move on, but I am comfortable with my life. I actually love the freedom I have, not having to consider others when I make a decision. Not having to account for how I spend my time or money.

I'm not lonely, my life is full of joy. Who knows why suddenly someone who is gone suddenly makes an appearance in our nightly dreams. Maybe someday I will understand but, for now I will just enjoy the sweet memories....


August 10, 2010

I have spent the last three days babysitting and have to run watch them again so my daughter can have another ultra sound. Twins are sometimes hard to carry and it's nice my daughter has a doctor who worries as much as I do.

Hopefully, they will change their minds and it will be at least 1 boy, not the 2 girls already determined. I already have a set of identical 4 (going on 30) girls and a soon to be 3 (who follows her big sissy's example) all beautiful girls. I have been blessed with a soon to be 15 year old grandson who if you could have a soul twin he would be close.

But, he draws the line at letting me dress him up in cute boy clothes and I will not buy what he finds attractive "yuck". He has beautiful black hair and would look so good in pastels, but he won't have any of that. Black only! Nothing against black with my blond hair it is the color of choice for me, but his complexion and hair just scream to be set free with all the lovely colors out there. So you can see why I need another grandson!

Gotta run jump in the pool before my next babysitting gig, catch ya later.


Trying to figure this "Linking" out

I read this interesting and informative post today and wanted to see if I could figure out the correct way to do this whole "linking" thing. It does not appear I have done it the same as others so, back to the drawing board.

My apologies to Theresa in Mèrida if I have inadvertently done something I should not have, please let me know, so I can correct my error.

This just boggles my brain, but it was such a good post for someone like me that I wanted to share it and give proper credit. I don't believe I have crossed any lines but if so it was not deliberate. I would not want any of my words or works stolen and would respect others rights as well.

But sometimes we are inspired by something someone else has said and I often find that my own posts are based on thoughts and feelings generated by statements of others. But I don't believe that is what is referred to here, if it were there could only ever be one writer for what do we write about but the things that have touched our lives or inspired our imagination.

¿What do I do all day?: Where's Roy Rodgers when we need him?


August 3, 2010

I was reminded today of something that when I was working was something that each day I worked I had to make a deliberate effort to remember. It is important enough to me to post here and come back to often as a reminder.

I belong to a group of wolf dog owners, I did not get a wd on purpose, I fell in love with my puppy at first sight and after having her all day her former Mommy came to say goodbye and at that time said oh her grandfather is a full blooded timber wolf. I started researching this and have pretty much convinced myself that for whatever reason this woman was trying to make my baby seem better or different, because I have not seen one thing in my dog that would lead me to believe she is anything other than dog. But you can learn a lot from these groups and I love reading about their animals, the different sanctuaries for these magnificent animals and the great people fighting for their rights to own them.

Well yesterday, my baby jumped from a standing position next to my hammock to standing on my hammock. We were both shocked by this, I thought I was seeing things, she thought "Cool" and proceeded to practice this new skill. To say this was unnerving would be an understatement. I researched the Internet hoping to find that this was a normal dog thing that I had somehow missed with all the dogs I have owned. Sadly, the only reference I could find was that female wolfs can jump from a stand up to 9' in the air. I was not reassured.

So, at the risk of sounding stupid I went to this group of people who live and breathe wolf and asked if anyone could help me. Which leads me to what I need to remember, some of the answers I got, you could tell the person sighed when answering me because to them there was nothing odd about this, they see it often. But one lovely woman wrote that her dog had done this but she did not ask the group for fear of not being believed.

I had to remind myself in my former job, everyday, that because I knew permitting inside out, that after 20 years I could do it singing, dancing , standing on my head, well you get the picture, I knew permitting. But every time a homeowner walked through my office door I made an effort "deliberately" to remember that to them this is new, that they had strengths in areas that to me would be totally confusing. I still cannot understand how radios work, to me they are just magical creations. Please no one try to explain to me for the millionth time I just will never get it, and I am OK with that.

But sometimes we should all stop and remember that what is easy for us, our life experiences, may be very different from others and learn patience.


August 1, 2010

Wow! It's hard to believe the year is going by so fast. I just typed the month and was shocked though I have lived through the past 7 months without giving thought to how time has flown by this year.

It has been a great year! Today was a little strange, well strange may be to mild of a word. Emergency vehicles went past on the street behind mine and one of my neighbors came over and was telling me that police were at a house about 4 down from hers. We were talking about jobs and her and the boys maybe coming over later to cool off in my lovely vinyl pool. When suddenly a shot was fired. Well she got her children into her house quickly and I called the police to let them know that where ever their officer was down the road a shot had just been fired from that direction (we think it struck a building next to where we were standing) the dispatcher told me everything was under control and I was like no honey it ain't your officers were there when someone fired a shot.

She just could not see a problem with this. I later learned that someones pit bull (who of course had never attacked anyone before) broke her chain and attacked a neighbor in his yard. Having dealt myself with what goes for law enforcement around here I am sure the injured neighbor had ample reason for going and getting his own gun and trying to shoot the dog himself. A neighborhood full of children is not the place to do it, it's also not the place for a pit bull.

Pits were not bred as pets, they were never intended to live in areas where they would be in a position to attack people. They were bred for hunting, they were bred to be aggressive. It's like owning a python and being surprised when it tries to eat you, it is what it is!

My dog is loved and spoiled rotten, she has been trained since she was small that biting and aggressive behaviour is not allowed. Her breed "Husky" was bred to get along with humans esp small children. They were also bred to take care of their own food needs in the summer months. I am very careful that my dog never gets loose from me and though my daughter would trust her with my grandchildren, I would not. She is what she is, a dog!

I would never own a dog like a pit, they are far to dangerous of an animal. I also would not own a python or a lion for the same reasons. It is nice to believe that you will always be in control of every situation but sadly a lot of people die surprised that their dog who was raised with only love is now got it's jaws locked to their throat.

But enough of my soapbox you will never convince people who refuse to understand or even learn about their dog and it's genetic history.

Luckily the man was not badly injured, sadly a dog that was being a dog, will be destroyed because it's owners made bad choices.